Go Sato 30th anniversary and Go Sato band 10th anniversary live video distribution!
Besides the songs of Seibu Kaihatsu, we play song other than game music for the first time and the latest song I arranged.
Let alone playing music, I invite Ikeda-san(MIKADO) and send a talk show, talking about the memories of games in 1980s and the episode at Seibu Kaihatsu for abount an hour.
This is my compilation.
In order to pretect against the spread of Covid-19 infection, I only deliver pre-recorded live performance.
Performer : Go Sato Band
Guest : Minoru Ikeda(MIKADO),Mari Matsubara(Violinist)
Price : 1,500 JPY (No Tax)
Delivery period : From 20:00 Dec.30 2021 20:59 to Jan.13 2022 JST
This live is available to watch on TwiCasting.
Go Sato Band Web : gosato0221
Go Sato Twitter : twitter.
Second Album : ecs.
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