EVENT 本日23時から!賞金20万円【第25回金のお茶爆 決勝戦ルーレット会場】🍵 INFO 【期間中は1枠が1時間に拡大】 ユニットリレー配信応援キャンペーン🎁

Ps one day some one will come in to your life and

Ps one day some one will come in to your life and shows up who we are I hope u can understand that I’m one of them don’t put us down don’t leave us in the dark I want some  one to reaching out to any one who has disabilities because it a lesson on love faith family happiness joy kindness and I’m here standing be for u and say I’m proud to be me if u don’t like it there the door u can get out of my life or be there for me when I fall
