EVENT 本日23時から!賞金20万円【第25回金のお茶爆 決勝戦ルーレット会場】🍵 INFO 【期間中は1枠が1時間に拡大】 ユニットリレー配信応援キャンペーン🎁

Hello friend who always made me laugh when your l

Hello  friend who always made me laugh when your life when you had a chance to make me laugh and giggle when I had no idea what to do you always told me never stop laughing hard well it wasn’t easy for you because you couldn’t talk and everybody else good I am so sorry that you died I wasn’t there because I had surgery I wish I could do something for your family or somebody at least you know I’m always here for you if you ever come through as we are all just talk to me but I am letting you go I know it shouldn’t but I am Joe you were the sweetest guy ever who can never talk but always pointing at those cars he would always go up you are always saying hello but now it good bye not forever but soon I’ll see u
