just leave it to me VL30

It's a secret to wake up in the middle of the night

just leave it to me VL30

It's a secret to wake up in the middle of the night
1:00:01 > 13
  • 等級 14
  • 粉絲 130
★junior in college.20th
 推し:KINGRYO(@kingryoworld) ← Artist (pro)
 推し:理人(りひと)(@c:sangokushi3150) ←musician
 推し:大成亮祐(@Ryosukeonari)←Artist (pro)ギタリスト毎週火曜
 推し:Luis🧩🗝(@Luis92567224) ←vocal/gamer
 推し:皆見勇斗89(@minami4hayato) ←Singer Song Writer
 推し:せのん(@archexe10)←Voice ←Voice
 推し:yuu(@menherakun_sss) ←Voice
 推し:ジョージぞ。(@25popo25) ←よくわかんない
 Pocket B(@g:115046408260020235815)←fiance
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